CAER: Clinical Application, Education and Research
As an application of clinical psychology, this research center aims to conduct psychotherapies, provide supervision, carry out related research, and transform all these experiences into educational material within an ethical perspective.
Supplying people with high-quality psychotherapy
Supervising psychotherapy practices of clinical psychologists who are working in the area
Supervising research of clinical psychologists who are working in the clinical area
Researching clinical issues
Creating and designing projects about clinical psychology practices that can enable clinical applications to meet people in need
Contributing to clinical applications’ literature by converting psychotherapy practices to case studies
Creating an internship area for clinically oriented psychology students that can enable them to increase their experience in the clinical area
Role in KALTEV
This research center aims to convert academic research into practice and feed the academic area back with practice-related knowledge. Therefore, as KALTEV aims, this research center intends to build a bridge between practice and academia.
Director Dr. Nurten Özüorçun Küçükertan Email: